Sunday, 6 January 2008

How - where to put PPP code

Reading advices / oppinions of some bloggers and PPP-Training , I put my codes.
For now I put codes on 2 types of blogs / sites :

- (this blog is

Do you know, why I am exited? Because I am newbie and I made it! I was experimenting
with pasting code on different positions.



I pasted my PPP code on layout , on the bottom of the blog.

Ad a page element
Select “HTML/JavaScript “
Paste your code
Save (element)
Save (Layout)

It works, but , it seems , I made a mistake .

Question :
When I visit my blog, it is ‘frozen’ for about 5 second and than begins PPP ad (I have ‘yes’ in test). PPP code is on bottom of layout of the blog. Has anybody the same problem?

Answer :
Charles Heflin
Your blog freezes because you need to put the code just before the tag… Your page is waiting for the 5 second SILENT audio ad to play before loading the rest of your content. This means that your ppp code is not placed where we instructed you to place it.Please check that

b) main page (post) - it doesn’t work, I do not know, why!


Edit :
New Paragraph - this is last paraghaph - NO title
Paragrapf type : choose “Raw HTML Type”
Paste (YOUR) PPP code


naa_siteid="1207034047" - here is YOUR Pay-Per-Play member number
naa_sitename="" - I left original, some are saying, that I should put my link
naa_test="no" - for TEST you can put 'yes' - just to hear voice - for now you hear strange voice - as 'broken record'


Mr. Pay-Per-Play said...

why I just hear a noise and not the 5 seconds sound???

Rado Zupanc said...

sorry , i am delaying.
This strange noise is because I put TEST = 'ON'. With 1stn of February we shall hear 5 seconds ads (commercials) instead of thisnoise

Rado Zupanc said...

I changed NO to YES so there is no more noise.

Mark said...
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Mark said...

I got the code of PPP , now please can any one guide me where to put it on blog. I am using . I pasted it on edit html which comes in posting. after previewing and by saving it,when i open my blog ,there is no sound of ad. Please help me out.